RANCHO RS9000XL shocks outperform BILSTEIN, FOX + OLD MAN EMU in extensive shock comparision test

RANCHO RS9000XL shocks outperform BILSTEIN, FOX + OLD MAN EMU in extensive shock comparision test


Here's something pretty cool for the Rancho brand this month.In an extensive shock absorber comparison test conducted by esteemed offroad and adventure publishers - Overland Journal, Rancho RS9000XL shocks outperformed Bilstein, Fox, Old Man Emu and Icon VD units. Chris Collard reports on the test that put five of some of the world’s leading shock brands through abuse worthy of Dakar in a head-to-head three-state shootout. With combination Track and Field-Testing, Desert Testing, and in-depth Dyno Testing, the Rancho RS9000XL shocks were awarded Editor’s Choice.

For us, the result and concluding statements are really no surprise. We've had the same set of Rancho RS9000XL shocks on our JK today as fitted when we first bought and built the vehicle in 2007, and having been involved with Rancho shocks since the early 90's - are big fans.

4wd1 Rancho Australia

rancho shocks editors choice

Joe Bacal said,

“The data clearly shows the Rancho shocks on top. Balance and handling are the key factors, and then we focus on ride comfort. The Rancho outperformed and there was no doubt this was the best-tuned shock for the vehicle.”

Ned Bacon said,

“When the dust settled my picks in order were Rancho, Bistein, Icon, Old Man Emu, and Fox.”

Rancho RS9000XL shock review

In concluding comments, Chris said of the Rancho’s

“Yaw control and damping, both on- and off-pavement were excellent, and body roll was limited and balanced. On our desert loop, the vehicle’s predictability instilled confidence and we found ourselves traveling at higher speeds without feeling like we were going to damage the vehicle.”


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Overland Journal shock comparison

Here's something pretty cool for the Rancho brand this month. In an extensive shock absorber comparison test conducted by esteemed offroad and adventure publishers - Overland Journal, Rancho RS9000XL shocks outperformed Bilstein, Fox, Old Man Emu and Icon VD units.

Chris Collard reports on the test that put five of some of the world’s leading shock brands through abuse worthy of Dakar in a head-to-head three-state shootout. With combination Track and Field-Testing, Desert Testing, and in-depth Dyno Testing, the Rancho RS9000XL shocks were awarded Editor’s Choice.